October 20, 2024

CDC Changes Policies for Vaccinated, Protests Erupt in Athens, Greece, and Slovakia Against Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports

Following Biden’s announcement on Tuesday to mandate vaccines for Veteran Affairs medical staff, private companies (Google, Facebook, Netflix) have likewise implemented mandatory vaccine provisions for employees to return to work.

The CDC has changed recommendations for vaccinated individuals this week. The changes include recommending masking for vaccinated individuals and for vaccinated individuals to get tested for COVID-19 if they experience symptoms. Public health officials stated that vaccinated individuals can transmit COVID-19 and 58 vaccinated individuals died from COVID-19 the week of July 12th, 2021.

Internationally, massive protests erupted in Athens, Greece outside Parliament to protest mandatory vaccine and vaccine passport policies. Police deployed tear gas. In Slovakia, protesters attempted to block Parliament in Bratislava to prevent vaccine passport legislation from passing.

COVID-19 Updates in the Last 72 Hours

Vaccinated Individuals Can Transmit COVID-19

The CDC’s previous position on cloth masks:

This article from May 11th, 2021 states that vaccines will not allow you to pass COVID-19 to others

Ivermectin demonstrated success in treating COVID-19 (Ivory Hecker explored the suppression of Ivermectin in this excellent story), but failed to gain authorization from regulators in the United States to treat COVID-19 patients. The Wall Street Journal ran an editorial on July 28th questioning the FDA’s refusal to allow ivermectin to be used to treat COVID-19 patients.

Protests In Greece, Slovakia Involving Vaccine Passports/Mandates

Protests have erupted in Athens, Greece involving mandatory vaccine policies:

Protesters Hold Eastern Orthodox Icons, Wave Greek Flags

A large group of protesters gathered outside Parliament in Bratislava, Slovakia in an attempt to prevent vaccine passport legislation from passing: