September 11, 2024

Military Members file TRO to Stop Vaccine Mandate. USMC Lt. Col. Scheller Resigns, Citing Lack of Trust and Confidence in Leadership. US Intelligence Knew of Impending “Mass Casualty Event” Before Suicide Bombing and Did Nothing.

Lt. Col. Scheller Calls Out Failed Leadership, is Reprimanded, Resigns

Lt. Col. Scheller’s video that resulted in him being relieved of duties. It’s pathetic that military leadership is more focused on a facebook video than disciplining the Commanders and DC planners who pushed a terrible evacuation plan that led to 12 Marines and 1 Naval soldier dead (as well as dozens of innocent civilians) in a preventable terrorist attack. Maybe leadership should focus on preserving, protecting, and supporting those who shed blood and sacrifice their lives for the United States then a facebook video rightfully exposing the failures of military leaders:

Scheller’s LinkedIn post with letter:

12 Marines and 1 Naval Member were murdered in Afghanistan following a suicide bombing by Isis.

Pentagon prepared for ‘mass casualty attack’ at Kabul airport:

Pentagon states the leak to Politico unlawful:

UK sees very credible threat of imminent IS Kabul airport attack.

The bombing came hours after Western governments had warned their citizens to stay away from the airport, because of an imminent threat of an attack by IS-K, the Afghanistan branch of the Islamic State group.

A moderator on the Military subreddit on reddit also claims to communicate with the DoD press and government, which includes AMAs (Ask me Anything) and unlawful conduct. The moderator also posted a story denouncing the claim that military K9s were abandoned in Afghanistan after the story trended heavily on other subreddits and social media platforms:

Notice the moderator who claims to be in contact with the DoD press office shares an article from CNN. Project Veritas’ CNN Tapes include statements by CNN officials that they create propaganda

Active and retired CIA operatives and military members organized a mission called “Pineapple Express (marijuana strain, stoner movie about marijuana)” to extract intelligence assets to the Kabul airport during the US evacuation. The mission relied solely on encrypted messaging services, smartphones, and QR codes. Pineapple Express experienced a communication outage when US military members deployed jamming equipment that prevented broadband and telecommunications. This caused the Pineapple Express operatives to lose communication with their assets. While some Pineapple Express operatives were near the blast site caused by an ISIS suicide bomber outside the Kabul Airport none sustained fatal wounds, 12 Marines, 1 Naval member, and civilians were killed in the preventable attack.

Is it possible the Pineapple Express mission impeded the military jamming of cell signals? And why did the Department of Defense deny permission for a predator drone that had the suicide bomber locked in?

God bless the USMC: the deadliest fighting force of Spartans in American history.

God bless the Navy, whose special operations units killed Osama bin Laden.

God bless our soldiers, who have paid too heavy a price due to incompetent leadership.

Was Major Powers involved in the Afghanistan exit?