October 20, 2024

World Unites for Freedom: Massive Vaccine Passport and Mandate Protests Erupt Across the World on November 20, 2021 (Italy, France, Croatia, South Africa, Switzerland, Australia, Sweden, Austria, Northern Ireland, and more)

Massive worldwide protests have occurred the past three days, as citizens around the globe unite against vaccine passports and mandates:

Protests in the last three days have occurred in Austria, Australia, Germany, Italy, France, Finland, Switzerland, South Africa, NYC, Northern Ireland, England, Croatia, and the Czech Republic against vaccine passports, mandatory vaccine policies, and other COVID restrictions.


Sante Fe, Argentina vaccine mandate protest on November 20, 2021:


The Australian government is seeking to pass a broad public health bill that would allow the government and state to enforce mask mandates, lockdowns, and other pandemic restrictions. Currently, the emergency powers the Australian government is utilizing to create and enforce COVID-19 orders will expire on December 15, 2021. The bill would expand the government’s public health powers beyond the deadline.

Melbourne and Sydney Vaccine Mandate/Kill the Bill protests November 19, 2021
Brisbane and Syndey Nov. 19, 2021

Counter-protesters in Brisbane held a “Don’t Fall for Far-Right Lies, Vaccines Save Lives” banner, signs with QR codes supporting public health, and waved Antifa flags.

Brisbane, Australia: Vaccine passport and mandate protest
Melbourne, Australia
Melbourne, Australia outside of the Parliament building
Melbourne, Australia
Sydney, Australia



Two days after a Communist was elected mayor (29% of all votes) of an Austrian city, Austria became the first country to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine for all citizens.

Police deployed chemical weapons against vaccine mandate protesters:



Toronto, Canada vaccine passport, mandate, and lockdown protest on November 20, 2021:


Czech Republic

A large protest against vaccine passports, mandates, and COVID-19 restrictions occurred in the Czech Republic on November 18, 2021:


Vaccine passport and mandate protests in London, England on November 20, 2021:


Vaccine passport protest in Helsinki, Finland on November 20, 2021:


French vaccine protests on November 20, 2021:

Police deploy chemical weapons on protesters in Paris, France:


Tbilisi, Georgia vaccine passport protest (Nov. 20, 2021):


Frankfurt vaccine mandate protest on November 20, 2021:


Massive protests erupted in Milan, Rome, and Genova on November 20, 2021.



When police attempted to detain a peaceful protester, surrounding protesters intervened and prevented his arrest:




Lithuania vaccine passport protest (Nov. 20, 2021):

Northern Ireland

Vaccine passport protests in Belfast, Northern Ireland (Nov. 20, 2021):


Explosions can be heard in the streets, as civil unrest continues the past two days following protests against COVID-19 mandates and restrictions:


In Oslo, Norway, vaccine passport protesters carried lit torches:


Glasgow, Scotland vaccine passport protest on November 20, 2021:

South Africa

Police intimidate and disrupt a vaccine passport protest in South Africa (Nov. 20, 2021):

Police arrest a female protester for not wearing a mask, placing her in a police van:


November 20, 2021 vaccine passport protest in Stockholm, Sweden:


Vaccine passport and lockdown protest in Zurich, Switzerland (Nov. 20, 2021):


Vaccine passport protest in Taiwan on Nov. 20, 2021:

United States

New York City vaccine passport and mandate protest (Nov. 20, 2021):

Olypmia, Washington (Nov. 20, 2021)

Portland, Oregon: